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1·"Welcome to the Colored Zone, " a large stretched banner could have said.
2·The problem—not just for Mr Monti, but for the euro zone and the world economy—is that Italy, the zone’s biggest debtor, is too large to be bailed out with the resources currently available.
但是,意大利是欧元区最大的债务国,以现在的可用资源难以帮助其摆脱困境。 这不仅仅是蒙蒂的难题,也是欧元区和整个世界的难题。
3·The Japanese archipelago is located on the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, a large active volcanic and tectonic zone ringing North and South America, Asia and island arcs in Southeast Asia.
4·It also said London and Washington were alarmed "at the large number of reported civilian casualties over the past several days in the designated 'safe zone'".
5·This group consisted of 1,000 large rocks, again spread over an elongated zone, whose outline Evenson this time compared to a pickle or gherkin, 8 kilometres long by 2 kilometres wide.
6·In the past 300 years, no earthquake nearly that large — nothing larger than magnitude-eight — had struck in the Japan subduction zone.
7·Even if German Banks gained deposits, their large euro-zone assets would be marked down: Germany, remember, is the system's biggest creditor.
8·This time the argument is between the Irish, who have insisted they do not need a bail-out, and large euro-zone countries which insist they must take one.
9·Under normal circumstances, a U.S. assessment team precedes large-scale American aid in a disaster zone, coordinating deliveries and assuring that items provided actually reach those in need.
10·They saw a large number of fishing trawlers entering the zone illegally, " Bessudo said.
更新时间:2025-03-10 05:27